History is Sexy is a podcast presented by historian Dr Emma Southon and writer Janina Matthewson answering listener questions about history. What did the Romans...
He's widely known as one of history's biggest freaks, but what was actually the deal with the Marquis de Sade?
Episode #100 - Patron Questions
All three of us take to the mic for this 100th episode celebration, answering questions supplied by the members of our patreon!
Episode #99: Quick Roman Questions
A bunch of questions about Rome and Romans that don't fit into an episode of their own
Bonus Episode #1 Preview - Glad2ator and Megalopolis
A taster of our first ever bonus episode, a film review show about two roman-inspired films.
Full episode only available on Patreon: www.patreon.com/historyissexy
Episode #98 - Who Were The Druids?
The Druids, mysterious figures in pre-Roman British history, but who were they really??
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Om History Is Sexy
History is Sexy is a podcast presented by historian Dr Emma Southon and writer Janina Matthewson answering listener questions about history. What did the Romans do for us? Where did marrying for love come from? What was world war one all about? Produced and edited by Oliver Kealey. Theme music by Ketsa.