A philosophy professor, Ezio Di Nucci, and a GP with a PhD in STS, Christoffer Bjerre Haase, discuss structural problems and ethical dilemmas within healthcare....
E4M_3.3: Har vi en fri vilje? Med Peter Qvortrup Geisling
Christoffer and ezio are joined by DR's doctor Peter Qvortrup Geisling to discuss free will and responsibility in the context of healthcare and medical education... and yes, it's på dansk igen igen, so pls bear with one of us...
E4M_3.2: Aktiv dødshjælp med Ebbe Preisler
today Christoffer is on his own, talking (på dansk, igen) to Ebbe Preisler about assisted suicide. that way you are spared ezio's accent, but this episode is not exactly 'easy listening' either. if you want to read more about Ebbe's story, you can start here:
Ebbe Preisler taler ud om drabet på sin kone - TV 2
E4M_3.1: future doctors, quo vadis?
Christoffer and ezio are back for Season 3, and this time - wait for it - på dansk! so tune in if you are curious to hear the worst DK accent in the history of podcasting... you will also find out about Ida Donkin, her clinical work consisting of 17h shifts but also her political engagement and finally the question: what kinds of medical doctors do we want, in the 21st century?
E4M_2.8: last word? assisted suicide and the right to die
season two of the ethics4medics podcast comes to a close with possibly the most controversial topic within modern healthcare: assisted suicide. Christoffer and ezio again get help from JY & Maria, drawing a distinction between not only euthanasia and assisted suicide but also between the latter and so-called assisted dying; but also discuss: how can society be liberal about suicide without also legalizing assisted suicide? And finally what debates around assisted suicide tell us about the very point of medicine.
E4M_2.7: should every suicide be prevented?
Christoffer and ezio definitely need more mics, especially when dealing with a topic as intimidating as the ethics and philosophy of suicide… so for this episode they get help from regular guests JY Lee and M Marti-Castaner; the result is messy, like life itself.
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Om ethics4medics
A philosophy professor, Ezio Di Nucci, and a GP with a PhD in STS, Christoffer Bjerre Haase, discuss structural problems and ethical dilemmas within healthcare.