A periodic look at how diplomacy and negotiation shape international cybersecurity. This podcast is made possible by the generous support of the Cyber Security ...
A Long Way from Morse Code: Digital Governance and the ITU
In this episode, hosts James Lewis and Chris Painter are joined by Secretary General of the ITU Doreen Bogdan Martin. They discuss the breadth of issues the ITU tackles, diplomatic challenges and how to co-ordinate digital governance.
2024 Retrospective: A First Look
In this episode hosts James Lewis and Chris Painter discuss the year that was (so far) in cyber diplomacy including:
Volt Typhoon and Iran Hacking
The UN Cybercrime Convention
Counter Ransomware Initiative
State Department’s Cyberspace and Digital Policy Bureau
How to Make Cyber Policy a Headline in Brussels
In this episode hosts Jim Lewis and Chris Painter talk to Estonia's former ambassador at large for cyber diplomacy Heli Tirmaa-Klaar. They discuss the IT coalition’s work on the ‘future of warfare’ in Ukraine, NATO and EU collaboration, and the state of the UN’s work on cyber.
Inside the State Department’s Cyber Strategy: A Conversation with Adam Segal
In this episode, hosts James Lewis and Chris Painter speak to guest Adam Segal, Senior Advisor for International Cyber and Digital Strategy Policy in The State Department’s Bureau of Cyberspace and Digital Policy. They discuss the global reactions to the International Cyberspace and Digital Policy Strategy, (even China’s and Russia’s) and what ‘digital solidarity’ really means.
The UN Ad Hoc Cybercrime Negotiations: The End Is Nigh, Or Is It?
In this episode, hosts Jim Lewis and Chris Painter engage in a dynamic conversation with return guest Ambassador (ret.) Deborah McCarthy. She shares insights, as the lead negotiator for the United States, on the status and prospects for the proposed United Nations Cybercrime Treaty.
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Om Inside Cyber Diplomacy
A periodic look at how diplomacy and negotiation shape international cybersecurity. This podcast is made possible by the generous support of the Cyber Security Agency of Singapore and the Estonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.