Welcome to "Hermann & Helmsdal," the ultimate cinematic voyage through the lens of Faroese film enthusiasts Hermann Eliassen and Gudmund Helmsdal. This podcast ...
Navnframi filmhandrits konsulenturin/ráðgevin (scripdoktarin) Stephen Cleary er aftur á vitjan í Føroyum, og sjálvandi máttu vit í Hermann & Helmsdal fáa eitt prát við hann aftur. Geytin er háaktuellur, so tað er upplagt, at prátið hesuferð snúgvar seg um stuttfilmin sum ein serstøk filmsjangra. Hvat er ein stuttfilmur? Hvussu langir skulu teir vera? Hvat skulu teir handla um?Hvussu slær ein ígjøgnum við einum stuttfilmi? Hetta er alt nakað, sum Stephen dagliga arbeiðir við, og hann greiðir okkum frá øllum!
H&H - Nadia Abrahamsen - Barnafilmfestivalurin.
Vit tosa við powerhouse framleiðaran Nadiu Abrahamsen, sum saman við Filmhúsinum, hevur lagt til rættis og skipar fyri Barnafilmfestivalinum. Eisini hevur Nadia tikið stig til afturvendandi Minority Filmfestivalin. Oooooog so tosa vit eisini við Nadiu um hennara (heila) skelkandi rollu í filminum No Rest for the Wicked.
Hermann & Helmsdal - 2024 - Árið, ið fór.
Fyrsti partur av H&H í 2025!Vit báðir hugleiða um filmar, vit sóu í farna árinum. Hvørjar filmar dámdu vit væl? Hvørjar dámdu vit slett ikki!? Og hví?
Hermann & Helmsdal - Torfinnur Jákupsson
Er hann nevndur, er hann kendur! Lead-guitaristurin úr tónleikabólkinum Gestir...eisini hevur hann gjørt Trom...Torfinnur Jákupsson er Gøtumaðurin aftanfyri fyrstu - og inntil víðari - einastu føroysku altjóða krimi-sjóvarpsrøðina Trom. Hoyr alt um, hvussu dagdroyming á fiskavirkinum í Gøtu leiddi til eina yrkisleið innan film. Eisini tosa vit eitt sindur um, hvat er næst á skránni hja Torfinni.
Hermann & Helmsdal - Joker - Folie Au Deux
Vit ummæla Joker 2, og tosa eisini nógv um 1'aran.
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Om Hermann & Helmsdal
Welcome to "Hermann & Helmsdal," the ultimate cinematic voyage through the lens of Faroese film enthusiasts Hermann Eliassen and Gudmund Helmsdal. This podcast is your front-row seat to a world where film reviews, industry insights, and captivating conversations collide, all delivered with a Faroese flair that's as unique as the islands themselves.🎬 Episode Highlights: Film Reviews & Faroese FlavorTune in as Hermann and Helmsdal dissect the latest blockbusters and hidden gems, offering their seasoned perspectives on everything from Hollywood hits to indie darlings. Their reviews are more than just critiques; they're a passionate exploration of the storytelling craft that transcends borders.🌍 Global Relevance: Faroese Perspectives, International Guests"Hermann & Helmsdal" isn't confined to the Faroe Islands—it's a cinematic odyssey that spans the globe. The hosts welcome a diverse array of guests, both locally and internationally renowned, creating a tapestry of insights that showcases the universal language of film. From Faroese filmmakers making waves to Hollywood legends, each episode is a rendezvous with the stars.🗞️ Breaking News: Film Updates from Faroe to HollywoodStay in the know with the latest film-related news as Hermann and Helmsdal bring you the scoop from Faroe to Hollywood. Whether it's exclusive interviews, industry gossip, or behind-the-scenes revelations, this dynamic duo keeps you on the pulse of the ever-evolving world of cinema.🌐 Bridging Borders: Faroese Charm in EnglishWhen the conversation turns international, Hermann and Helmsdal seamlessly switch to English, ensuring that their global audience doesn't miss a beat. It's a linguistic dance that adds an extra layer of charm to the podcast, making it accessible to cinephiles from every corner of the world.🎙️ Style: Catchy and PreciseWith a style that's as catchy as a blockbuster soundtrack, "Hermann & Helmsdal" delivers content that's as entertaining as it is informative. From quick-witted banter to insightful analyses, each episode is a carefully crafted blend of humor, intelligence, and Faroese charm.So, grab your popcorn and join Hermann Eliassen and Gudmund Helmsdal on a cinematic journey that transcends language barriers, celebrating the magic of film in the enchanting landscape of the Faroe Islands. Welcome to "Hermann & Helmsdal," where the reel world meets the real world, one frame at a time.