Welcome Traveller to the Garblag Games podcast feed for Mongoose Traveller 2e
The audio for this podcast is taken from our livestreams. Come and join us htt...
In this episode our Travellers have arrived at Indaraliggu and dock at Big Rig station. They discover that their ship's past is not quite behind them and Capt Gower displays his unique approach to interstellar trade.
Look to Spinward - Ep02 - At Least nobody Died
In this episode our Travellers have arrived at Indaraliggu and dock at Big Rig station. They discover that their ship's past is not quite behind them and Capt Gower displays his unique approach to interstellar trade.
Look to Spinward - Ep01 - One Careful Owner
Welcome to our Traveller show: Look to Spinward. In this episode our Travellers have to recover their ship, the Eonia, from the deep atmosphere of a gas giant. They quickly discover that the previous owner is definitely not going to be needing the ship anymore. We hope you enjoy!
Pirates of Drinax - 03 - Privateers of the Penzance
Hello and welcome to our new Traveller Actual Play, the iconic: Pirates of Drinax. Join us live via Twitch on Wednesdays at 21:00 GMT www.Twitch.tv/GarblagGames Please consider supporting the channel: Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/garblaggames Discord: https://discord.gg/DPgQjr7 FB Page: https://www.facebook.com/GarblagGames Twitter: https://twitter.com/GarblagGames
Pirates of Drinax - 02 - Target: Bob
Hello and welcome to our new Traveller Actual Play, the iconic: Pirates of Drinax. Join us live via Twitch on Wednesdays at 21:00 GMT www.Twitch.tv/GarblagGames Please consider supporting the channel: Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/garblaggames Discord: https://discord.gg/DPgQjr7 FB Page: https://www.facebook.com/GarblagGames Twitter: https://twitter.com/GarblagGames
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Om Garblag Games - Traveller RPG - Actual Plays
Welcome Traveller to the Garblag Games podcast feed for Mongoose Traveller 2e
The audio for this podcast is taken from our livestreams. Come and join us https://www.twitch.tv/garblaggames