Forever Sound Version is a video game music podcast from out of Newcastle upon Tyne that explores classic tracks and deep cuts from the 8-bit home computers and...
Episode 70 – Pinball on the Amiga by Digital Illusions
This episode is dedicated to three very similar games with very similar names, but all teeming with quality – Pinball Dreams, Pinball Fantasies, and Pinball Illusions! This trio of Amiga classics delivered a ton of banging four-channel tunes courtesy of Olof Gustafsson, bringing some serious early 90s demoscene pedigree to the world of video gaming.
Episode 69 – A Number Between Sixty-eight and Seventy
This episode is dedicated to the sexy, flirty, and sometimes naughty side of video games and video game music. Superstar special guest The Diad and I draw from titles on platforms as diverse as Sega Saturn, Commodore Amiga, and PC-FX to make a playlist that I feel is one of the most interesting this podcast … Continue reading "Episode 69 – A Number Between Sixty-eight and Seventy"
Episode 68 – VGM for Hope
2020 is turning out to be a tough year for a lot of us, so I think that some music which inspires hope for the future is in order. For this episode, I am joined by my good friend The Diad as we seek out some video game tunes that will lift our spirits and … Continue reading "Episode 68 – VGM for Hope"
Episode 67 – Mega Drive Mayhem
To many, the FM synth-driven sound of the Sega Mega Drive simply is the sound of video games, as its run of success in the early 1990s delivered countless brilliant original titles in addition to some very convincing arcade ports. In this episode, I share some of my favourite tunes from this beautiful little slab … Continue reading "Episode 67 – Mega Drive Mayhem"
Episode 66 – Best of 2019
In a first for Forever Sound Version, John and I get into what we consider to be the best game soundtracks of the year! 2019 has yielded lots of very interesting titles, which in turn have given us some very interesting tunes. Thanks a lot for supporting the podcast this year; enjoy the holidays and … Continue reading "Episode 66 – Best of 2019"
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Om Forever Sound Version
Forever Sound Version is a video game music podcast from out of Newcastle upon Tyne that explores classic tracks and deep cuts from the 8-bit home computers and consoles onwards!