With so much financial literacy information privy to us in today's world, often times is can be difficult for us to fully comprehend what it all means. Introduc...
American household debt hit a record $16.9 trillion at the end of 2022, up $2.75 trillion since 2019, according to the Federal Reserve. If you had to write that check it would read $16,960,000,000,000. Americans owe $986 billion on credit cards, surpassing the pre-pandemic high of $927 billion. An even more interesting fact is many Americans are unaware that their credit card usage actually makes more money for the same banks that their signing up with to purchase these cards. In today's episode host of The Wealth Principles explains of the significance having credit card debt plays on being able to own a home, paying extra bills and for some debt exceeding their lifespan amongst other things. This episode is focused on the importance of paying off credit cards debt and being able to live your life stress and debt free. You can stream today's episode on Spotify Apple PodcastYouTubeTo become a host on The Wealth Principles email: [email protected] Thank you for tuning in to today's episode.
Silicon Valley Bank Shutdown Explained
Welcome to a new episode of The Wealth Principles. In today's episode, host of The Wealth Principles Charles discusses the fall of Silicon Valley's prized bank SVB and the impact that has had in the tech, financial and economic world. In this episode Charles covers key questions about SVB's collapse with:What is Silicon Valley Bank and exactly how large is the bank?What happened to SVB?How did the collapse happen so fast and what does this mean for tech companies in the near term?Why was SVB important to tech companies and what made then different thank other banks?Did SVB collapse so quickly because it's tied to tech?What is FDIC insurance and how does it work? Did customers of SVB actually get their money back?and much more.This Episode will be available on our Spotify, Apple Podcasts steaming platforms.Stay Connected with the Wealth Principles today by subscribing to our channels thank you.
Episode 70: 'Year of The Bull....or Bear!?'
It's the start of the new year, some of us are coming out of the holiday break and back to work and school. Others unfortunately received some shocking news where we learned we will no longer be employed by our current employer. Above all, the question that has been asked repeatedly at the course of last year into this year? Are we in a recession or not!? Welcome to Episode 70 of The Wealth Principles Podcast. In today's episode, host of the Wealth Principles Charles Danso, breaks down the effects of the current economic situation we are facing in particular highlighting the stock market. Charles first off explains what the stock market is, how to invest in stocks and what kind of stocks to look for this year during these turbulent times. Our Episode if broken down as follows:The History of the Stock Market Key Stock Market Terms everyone should be familiar with when investing.Options Explained and key terms to know.Different brokerages to utilize when investing/trading stocks and optionsThe outlook of the stock market this year and what sectors to look for this year. This is an educational episode one that provides a breakdown on ways to create passive income, generational wealth and how to tackle the stock market from the comfort of your home.For Questions and request for additional information. Email us at: [email protected] Episode is available exclusively on Spotify, Apple Podcasts and YouTube - Wealth Principles
Episode 69: "Rob Peter to Pay Paul"
How can I confirm my money is safe with the company? Is cryptocurrency actually legitimating or is it all a scam? What exactly did Bernie Madoff do to scam all his investors out of their money? We've all other asked these questions or have been asked questions like these and others similar to this as some point in our lives, and you may not be wrong in being skeptical of investing your earnings with the right individuals. Welcome to a new Episode of the Wealth Principles podcast. In today's episode we highlight what exactly is a Ponzi scheme and how someone may be in one without actual knowledge of the fact. We cover the intricacies of a Ponzi scheme by:I. The Definition of a Ponzi schemeII. The history of the name and its originationsIII. Red Flags to watch for when investing money with an investment manager/platform.IV. An example of a Ponzi scheme being performed in real time.V. What the future of investing money with individuals may shape out to be in the near future.Along with other examples such as the ones mentioned above.Make sure to like, subscribe and share today's episode and channel with everyone as we want to make sure we are protecting everyone from scammers such as Bernie Madoff and may others like him.Disclaimer: This Episode was made not to promote investing scamming but rather to protect individuals from falling into one.Thank you.
Elements of an N.D.A
Non-disclosure Agreement or NDA as often used is a term we hear but may fully never understand what this agreement actually is. Many employers and parties have utilized NDA's to better protect their employees and sensitive information over the years and often times have better protected themselves in the process. In today's episode host of The Wealth Principles podcast (Charles), breaks down the elements of what exactly is an NDA and provide the advantages and disadvantages of creating one and how many more employers are utilizing NDA especially in today's technological environment.For today's episode kindly like, comment and subscribe to our channel onSpotify: The Wealth Principles | Podcast on SpotifyAPPLE Podcasts: The Wealth Principles on Apple PodcastsMore episodes like this and many more and make sure to tune in next week as well as we cover what exactly is a Ponzi scheme and how to better protect yourself from falling into one.
With so much financial literacy information privy to us in today's world, often times is can be difficult for us to fully comprehend what it all means. Introducing, The Wealth Principles Podcast, where break down all facets of financial literacy information and business acumen in today's world. In addition, we provide guest speakers including entrepreneurs from various industries and backgrounds discussing how they got their start and how to potentially enter the industry they've started their careers and businesses in. The Wealth Principles podcast provides growth, investing and savings tips for a lifetime of welath building. Subscribe today to be instantly connected with our business community and learn how to build generational wealth from now and centuries to come.