A CREOG study podcast for the busy Ob/GYN resident! 10 minutes of knowledge for your drive into work or while you’re savoring that cup of Joe. Make sure to find...
Episode 253: Updates on Rh Immunoglobulin Administration
Today, Fei and Nick are joined by Dr. Sarah Prager and Dr. Sarah Horvath to talk about the new recommendations for Rh immunoglobulin administration in early pregnancy. Should we still be giving it for bleeding in early pregnancy? If so, how much?
Dr. Sarah Prager is a Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Division Chief of Complex Family Planning at the University of Washington Medical Center.
Dr. Sarah Horvath is an Associate Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Vice Chair of Research at Penn State.
Twitter: @creogsovercoff1
Instagram: @creogsovercoffee
Facebook: www.facebook.com/creogsovercoffee
Website: www.creogsovercoffee.com
Patreon: www.patreon.com/creogsovercoffee
You can find the OBG Project at: www.obgproject.com
Reprise - Progestins
Today we have another reprise episode in line with our new GOALS curriculum.
Fei and Nick bring on Dr. Benjamin Brown, Chief of Family Planning at the Warren Alpert School of Medicine/Women and Infants Hospital to discuss different types of progestins. What do different of generations of progestins do? How should they be prescribed? Find out on this episode!
Remember to join OB GYN GOALS for further learning that lines up with today's episode: www.obgyngoals.org
Twitter: @creogsovercoff1
Facebook: www.facebook.com/creogsovercoffee
Website: www.creogsovercoffee.com
Check out the OBG Project at: www.obgproject.com
And, if you want to contact us directly, give us a shout out at [email protected]
Reprise Episode - Early Unlocated Pregnancy
Today we have another reprise episode in line with our new GOALS curriculum.
We bring Dr. Erin Cleary on to us about early unlocated pregnancies: an important topic for ob/gyns, primary care providers, and emergency medicine providers. Learn about how to initially work up an early unlocated pregnancy and when to call your friendly neighborhood Ob/Gyn!
Remember to join OB GYN GOALS for further learning that lines up with today's episode: www.obgyngoals.org
Twitter: @creogsovercoff1
Facebook: www.facebook.com/creogsovercoffee
Website: www.creogsovercoffee.com
Patreon: www.patreon.com/creogsovercoffee
Check out the OBG Project at: www.obgproject.com
And, if you want to contact us directly, give us a shout out at [email protected]
Reprise Episode - Labor Management Part I
Today we have another reprise episode in line with our new GOALS curriculum.
ACOG has released a new clinical practice guideline on labor management! Fei and Nick go over the first part: what are the definitions of the stages of labor?
Remember to join OB GYN GOALS for further learning that lines up with today's episode: www.obgyngoals.org
Twitter: @creogsovercoff1
Instagram: @creogsovercoffee
Facebook: www.facebook.com/creogsovercoffee
Website: www.creogsovercoffee.com
You can find the OBG Project at: www.obgproject.com
Reprise Episode - Hysteroscopy Part II
Today we have another reprise episode in line with our new GOALS curriculum. Fei and Nick are re-joined by Dr. Andrey Dolinko, an Assistant Professor of Ob/Gyn and REI subspecialist at Brown University/Women and Infants to talk more about hysteroscopy.
Remember to join OB GYN GOALS for further learning that lines up with today's episode: www.obgyngoals.org
Twitter: @creogsovercoff1
Instagram: @creogsovercoffee
Facebook: www.facebook.com/creogsovercoffee
Website: www.creogsovercoffee.com
You can find the OBG Project at: www.obgproject.com
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Om CREOGs Over Coffee
A CREOG study podcast for the busy Ob/GYN resident! 10 minutes of knowledge for your drive into work or while you’re savoring that cup of Joe. Make sure to find us on iTunes, Google Podcasts, or Spotify as well!