Leaders aren’t born, they’re made. This Monday show helps you discover leadership wisdom through insightful conversations. Independently produced weekly since 2...
718: How Leaders Can Use the Algorithms for Good, with Sandra Matz
Sandra Matz: Mindmasters
Sandra Matz is a Columbia Business School professor, computational social scientist, and pioneering expert in psychological targeting. Her research uncovers the hidden relationships between our digital lives and our psychology with the goal of helping businesses and individuals make better decisions. She is the author of Mindmasters: The Data-Driven Science of Predicting and Changing Human Behavior*.
Algorithms are becoming more influential with each passing day. That’s why leaders must understand their power and then decide how their organizations engage. In this conversation, Sandra and I discuss where psychological targeting is at, where it’s going, and the opportunity you have to make the world a bit better.
Key Points
Everyone knows everything in a small town (for better or worse). In the same way, psychological targeting can be used for both evil and good.
Psychological targeting already is successful at identifying wealth, personality, income level, and sexual orientation – and keeps improving.
None of this is going away. Understanding how the game of targeting is played can help you make it work to your advantage.
Leaders and organizations who use targeting responsibly can do tremendous good, including helping people save money and flag early interventions for health crises.
Be transparent with what data you’re collecting and how you’re using it. Consider newer practices like federated learning that protect privacy and provide permission-based access.
Design systems and practices that anticipate the reality of future leaders with different values.
Resources Mentioned
Mindmasters: The Data-Driven Science of Predicting and Changing Human Behavior by Sandra Matz
Interview Notes
Download my interview notes in PDF format (free membership required).
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717: A Key Tactic for Way Better Conversations, with Alison Wood Brooks
Alison Wood Brooks: Talk
Alison Wood Brooks is the O’Brien Associate Professor of Business Administration and Hellman Faculty Fellow at the Harvard Business School, where she created and teaches a course called TALK. As a behavioral scientist, she is a leading expert on the science of conversation and her research was referenced in two of the top ten most-viewed TED talks and depicted in Pixar’s Inside Out 2. She is the author of Talk: The Science of Conversation and the Art of Being Ourselves*.
Conversations are the venues where leaders do so much of their work. We all know someone who always can keep a conversation interesting and relevant. In this episode, Alison and I discuss how a key tactic can help you towards more meaningful conversations.
Key Points
Healthy relationships are critical for success, and relationships are about talking.
Good conversation is both instinct and deliberate effort. Preparing topics in advance improves conversation immensely.
Topics for conversation can be sourced from almost anywhere and help even if we don’t use those topics.
Good topic management is more important than the right topic. The best conversationalists know when to shift.
Small talk in an essential exploration ground for getting to bigger, more meaningful conversation.
Resources Mentioned
Talk: The Science of Conversation and the Art of Being Ourselves* by Alison Wood Brooks
Interview Notes
Download my interview notes in PDF format (free membership required).
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716: How to Share an Inspiring Vision, with Adam Galinsky
Adam Galinsky: Inspire
Adam Galinsky is the Vice Dean for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion and Paul Calello Professor of Leadership and Ethics at the Columbia Business School. He co-authored the book Friend & Foe and his TED talk, How to Speak Up for Yourself, is one of the most popular of all time with over 7 million views. He's the author of Inspire: The Universal Path for Leading Yourself and Others.
Leaders can delegate many things, but vision is not one of them. Most every leader needs to be able to articulate the future. In this conversation, Adam and I explore the building blocks to get better at inspiring others.
Key Points
Every leader has the potential to be inspiring. We can choose to get better.
Whatever a leader says, either positive or negative, will be amplified.
When values are brought front and center, they inspire behavior that creates a better future.
Inspiring leaders offer a big picture, optimistic view of the future.
Make visions simple and vivid. Simplicity is the key to inception. Use strong imagery that brings details to life.
Repetition is essential for a vision to take hold. The more often we hear something, the more likely it becomes our own truth.
Resources Mentioned
Inspire: The Universal Path for Leading Yourself and Others* by Adam Galinsky
Interview Notes
Download my interview notes in PDF format (free membership required).
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715: How to Stand Up for Yourself, with Sunita Sah
Sunita Sah: Defy
Sunita Sah is an award-winning professor at Cornell University and an expert in organizational psychology, leading groundbreaking research on influence, authority, compliance, and defiance. A trained physician, her research and analyses have been widely published in leading academic journals and media entities including The New York Times, Los Angeles Times, Harvard Business Review, and Scientific American. She is the author of Defy: The Power of No in a World That Demands Yes*.
We often think of defiance as a snap judgement. Yet, it’s so much more nuanced and purposeful than it often appears. In this conversation, Sunita and I explore the common patterns of defiance and how we can all do a better job of standing up for ourselves.
Key Points
We follow bad advice – even when we know it is obviously bad – to avoid appearing unhelpful.
Defiance means acting in accordance with your true values when there is pressure to do otherwise.
True defiance is not a snap judgement; it’s a process.
Acts of defiance are preceded by many moments of conscious compliance, when defiance is deferred.
Five stages of defiance often emerge: (1) Tension, (2) Acknowledgement (to ourselves), (3) Escalation (vocalize to others), (4) Threat of non-compliance, and (5) Act of defiance.
Vocalizing our concern to someone else is a key pivot point on the journey to ultimately saying no.
Respond explicitly to these questions: (1) Who am I? (2) What type of situation is this? and (3) What does a person like me do in a situation such as this?
Resources Mentioned
Defy: The Power of No in a World That Demands Yes* by Sunita Sah
Interview Notes
Download my interview notes in PDF format (free membership required).
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714: Team Collaboration and Communication, with Bonni Stachowiak
Bonni Stachowiak: Teaching in Higher Ed
Bonni is the host of the Teaching in Higher Ed podcast, Dean of Teaching and Learning and Professor of Business and Management at Vanguard University, and my life partner. Prior to her academic career, she was a human resources consultant and executive officer for a publicly traded company. Bonni is the author of The Productive Online and Offline Professor: A Practical Guide*.
Listener Questions
Josh asked about helpful practices for setting chat groups in the workplace, especially for remote workers.
Lily was curious about the best way to structure a first session of a new innovation group and also how to help people engage.
Nicole wondered how she might navigate a situation with a particular donor who is asking for more support than is typical.
Resources Mentioned
The Art of Gathering: How We Meet and Why It Matters* by Priya Parker
The Five Dysfunctions of a Team: A Leadership Fable* by Patrick Lencioni
Sunrise, Sunset from Fiddler on the Roof
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Leaders aren’t born, they’re made. This Monday show helps you discover leadership wisdom through insightful conversations. Independently produced weekly since 2011, Dr. Dave Stachowiak brings perspective from a thriving, global leadership academy, plus more than 15 years of leadership at Dale Carnegie. Bestselling authors, expert researchers, deep conversation, and regular dialogue with listeners have attracted 40 million downloads and the #1 search result for management on Apple Podcasts. Activate your FREE membership to access the entire leadership and management library at CoachingforLeaders.com