This podcast series questions the idealized notion of the Nordic region as characterized by egalitarianism, environmentalism, and a benevolent welfare state thr...
Chemical Pollution and Shadow Places in the Danish Welfare State
This episode is a conversation between Anders Riel Müller 송연준, Signe Skjoldborg Breighel and Sebastian Lundsteen, departing from Lundsteen’s article “Shadow Places, Environmental Justice, and the Submergence of Pollution.” The episode unpacks the several aspects and complexities of Shadow Places, Les mer ...
Mining, Green Steel and the Comfort of Alignment with extractivism in the Swedish North
In this episode we talk to Georgia De Leeuw about her research on mining, green steel and the comfort alignment with extractivism in in the Swedish north, or indigenous Sápmi. Her PhD dissertation deals with Swedish extractivism in Sápmi through Les mer ...
Spiralprogrammet i Kalaallit Nunaat som kolonialt folkemord/The IUD Program in Kalaallit Nunaat as Colonial Genocide
Dansk Beskrivelse I denne episode har vi besøg af forskerne Naja Dyrendom Graugaard, Josefine Lee Stage og Victoria Pihl Sørensen, som i skrivende stund er i gang med en artikkel om den spiralprogrammeti Kalaallit Nunaat (Grønland) fra 1960erne og 1970erne Les mer ...
The Danish “ghetto law” and the racist and capitalist attack on Denmark’s General Non-profit Housing Sector
In this episode we have with us Jean Thierry and Tobias Gregory from the organisation “Almen Modstand” which was formed in response to the 2018 so-called ghetto law that put strict requirements on the Danish General Housing sector. There are Les mer ...
Green Colonialism – Wind farms and the Sámì struggles against the Norwegian State
In this episode, we are joined by Aili Keskitalo from Amnesty International and former president of the Sámì Parliament in Norway and PhD fellow at the University of Stavanger Cecilie Larsen to talk about green colonialism and the South Sámì Les mer ...
This podcast series questions the idealized notion of the Nordic region as characterized by egalitarianism, environmentalism, and a benevolent welfare state through interviews with researchers and activists on social, environmental, and spatial justice. It’s a collaboration between the University of Stavanger’s Social and Spatial Justice research group and Copenhagen University’s Centre for Sustainable Futures.