It's CBeebies for your ears! CBeebies Radio takes you to a world of sound and music where you can share imaginative adventures and listen to stories and songs w...
Get your Bananaraptor on with this fruity version of the sing-along song The Hokey Pokey.
Enna Gee's Adventures - Powered Up
Enna can't find her phone and needs to use power to find it.
In this series, Enna Gee explores the wonders of energy and power.
Dodge's Pup School - The Mystery Door - Why Can't We Do What The Grown Ups Do?
The pups sing and play whilst imaginging what it’s like to be grown-ups.
Maddie & Triggs - Checkmates
It’s Maddie’s first day at chess club and she’s feeling a little lonely without Mum. But she soon meets a cool new friend who helps her settle in, and
before long that desert island feeling turns into a tropical paradise.
Yakka Dee Songs - I Love Love
Let's Yakka Yak and sing with Dee about love!
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Om CBeebies Radio Podcast
It's CBeebies for your ears! CBeebies Radio takes you to a world of sound and music where you can share imaginative adventures and listen to stories and songs with your favourite CBeebies friends and characters. CBeebies Radio is a BBC Radio service for pre-school children and can help to develop their listening skills and imaginations. It is only available in the UK. A podcast consisting of an array of classic and iconic CBeebies characters will be available every day from 6am as well as bonus podcasts and podcast compilations for those special moments throughout the year.