We are taking a break from our regular card centered format to bring you a special episode with Gabriel. Join him as he explores some ideas and the occult origins of Divination in his own life. - How does divination enter our lives? Can it be boiled down to personality or traumatic events? How does one overcome skepticism?
We appreciate you, our listeners for your continued support with the podcast. We are proud to say that we are going on 5 years! - We are taking a much needed break while we expand our household and introduce a daughter into the AT family.
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The Star
Episode 127 We emerge from the calamity of the Tower and move into the Star. We explore Aquarius, spiritual journeys, vulnerability, and some odd movie references from Gabe that kind of make sense. Starting with current events, as always, then join us for a collective reading for the rest of the month of September. Then Gabe has a tarot reading to explore the message that Pluto moving back into Capricorn is bringing to the surface.
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If you'd like a READING email us at [email protected] with the subject line "Book A Reading."
The Tower
Episode 126 We are joined by my sisters dogs in the studio as we break down The Tower card in this jam packed episode. We explore fallen trees, the Tower Of Babel, surprise pregnancies and why big changes need to always happen at bad times. Starting with current events, as always, then join us for a collective reading for the rest of the month of August. Then Gabe takes use back in time for Stars N Shit to take a look at Jupiter and Saturn and how it may be affecting us now.
Read more about Tim Walz HERE
Join our community on Patreon for more Tarot and Astrology content! Where you can get a monthly personal reading from Jaclyn!
If you'd like a Tarot or Astrology reading email us at [email protected] with the subject line "Book A Reading."
The Devil
For Episode 125 "Merely Gabe" and I dive into the depths and explore the fires of HELL in a chat about duality and how the devil card has evolved since the creation of the Smith Rider-Waite Tarot Deck. Hang with us for current events at the outset of the episode and stick with us to the end for "Stars and Shit" Where Gabe talks about the Sun contacting Pluto during the end of July and August.
Do you want to hear more? Support us on Patreon and join the community to gain access to more tarot and astrology!
For Tarot and Astrology Readings email [email protected] with subject line BOOK A READING.
The Rebirth Line with "Merely Gabe"
For this episode Gabe joins me again to talk about the rebirth line from Devil to World and the journey we take after completing the death line of the tarot. After a run through of current events, "merely Gabe" gets more than he bargained for as I drag him through each card instead of just the one he thought we were talking about. Then we join for the collective reading and Gabe has a three card pull to work with this months New Moon n in Capricorn.
Do you want to hear more? Support us on Patreon and join the community to gain access to more tarot and astrology!