Assalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabaraktuhu! This podcast was brought to life by the Will of Allah, in hopes that it sheds light on the realities of living as a...
Moving to Cairo, Helpful tips for abroad, and Etiquettes of worship
Assalamu Alaykum beautiful people!!! I pray you are all doing well! Here is a quick update from me! Enjoy and stay tuned for more content, bithni'Llah!
Referenced Book: "Hilyat Talib al-Ilm" by Shaykh Bakr Abu Zayd
From Minnesota to Mecca, Lockdown in Saudi, a Dream come true, ft. Sister Sihaam Ibrahim
Embarking on a journey to seek religious knowledge can be exciting and fruitful, yet a serious student must go through many obstacles to prove their worth in receiving this sacred knowledge of Islam. But for the sincere servant of Allah, there is nothing more beautiful than fulfilling the hadith that goes , "When Allah wants good for a person, He grants him/her understanding of the religion".
In todays episode, we'll be looking through what this journey was like for Sihaam, a Sharia graduate.
The Qu'ran- A Healing for the Hearts
The most beautiful analogy I came across in regards to the Qu'ran is that it is like a love letter from our Creator. Just like how a love letter is addressed to its reader only, Allah SWT addresses us each in every single verse. We can ponder on every verse, and relate it to our own lives and find peace, wisdom, reassurance and contentment.
Allah SWT says in the Qu'ran: "The guided are those who believe and their hearts are set at rest by the remembrance of Allah. Behold! By Allah's remembrance (only) the hearts are set at rest." (13:28)
Your Hijab, Your Honor
When Allah SWT revealed the ruling of hijab in Madinah, it was said that the women at the time rushed to cover themselves with whatever cloth they found. Their swiftness to obey the commandment of Allah SWT came from the love they had for Allah SWT.
How did we respond to hijab?
Allah SWT says in the Qu'ran: "Oh Prophet, tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers to draw their cloaks close round them. That will be better, so that they may be recognized and not annoyed. Allah is ever Forgiving, Merciful" (33:59)
The Wisdom of Trials + the Life of Imam Ahmed
While every believer is tested in this life, we will never know what tests will befall us, and how long we will have to endure.
What brings comfort is that Allah SWT knows all of those details, and He is also the One who can relieve us and also reward us.
Listening to the story of the persecution of Imam Ahmed really shows that even the most faithful believers, are tested with the greatest trials.
Assalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabaraktuhu! This podcast was brought to life by the Will of Allah, in hopes that it sheds light on the realities of living as a Muslim in today's society, while still aiming to hold on to our purpose, which is to please our Lord. This is a women's only podcast!! Through reminders and reflections, this podcast will hopefully serve as a comfort for many sisters. I pray all of you enjoy the episodes, and until Jannah, we strive!