Starry Insights: Exploring Astrology, Tarot, and African Wisdom
Welcome back to 'Imole, I am your host, Pelumi, and today I have a special episode for you. We are delving into the mysteries of astrology and tarot, unlocking the wisdom of the stars alongside the personal stories of our guest. As a practitioner myself, I'm also excited to share some of my personal stories. I’m sure Loliaba and I are going to have an amazing conversation. Before I introduce our guest, let us do our breathing exercise. Find a comfortable seat, and close your eyes. We will inhale for 3 counts, hold for 2, and exhale for 4 counts. Each breath should connect you to the present moment. Breathe in….., hold….., breathe out.Loliaba is the resident Metaphysical Mami at High Vibrations Co., a spiritual wellness community seeking to inspire spiritual growth by highlighting the abundance of God’s Universe through diverse, open spiritual practices such as astrology, herbalism, tarot, crystal work, and mindfulness. Guided by her intuitive gifts, Loliaba harnesses her extensive spiritual mastery to serve and impact the collective consciousness of the world around her. To Loliaba, it is a gift to be able to support anyone as they heal, grow, and transform their realities in alignment with their higher purpose. When Loliaba is not supporting the collective, she can be found writing her music, reading love poetry, singing to plants, and playing with the hair of an unsuspecting loved one. Welcome to the show Loliaba.