Episode 49 - Why Is this film so hated?
Talking 6 poorly reviewed films and discussing if they have any merit - (Target time about 1h but will go as long as is fun):
Intro by Sam: Welcome Todd and John Rice (No relation)
Cinema Shout-Outs, a palate cleanse of positivity
6 Films that got bad audience and critic reactions that we look at fresh with 2024 eyes
Good Bad And Ugly
What are we excited to see at CES on January 8?
Shout out trailers:
Hated Movie Trailers:
Episode 48 - Hearing and Home Theater with Dr. Bethany Anderson
Introducing Audiologist Dr. Bethany Anderson. Topics will cover protecting your hearing in home theater, cinema and concert environments :
Intro by Sam: Welcome Dr. Anderson! What can you tell us about yourself, and are you big into movies, cinema, music?
What can home theater viewers do to limit exposure to ear damage while still enjoying dramatic music and sound effects?
Are low impact rumbles from a subwoofer safe? Safer than high frequency bangs (gunshots etc)?
What's your opinion of theaters like IMAX and Dolby where you can't control the volume being played?
Are earplugs like Etymotic Research ER20 safe and useful to wear at movies and concerts?
What can people with hearing loss do to extend their hearing?
Can you talk about Tinnitus and how it affects the rest of the brain and body? Is it a warning sign someone needs to get hearing checked asap?
What's the deal with OTC hearing aids? Are they safe / useful?
Is Apple's interest in hearing protection a good thing or just marketing?
How often should people get their hearing checked? At what age should they start?
Anything else you would like to talk about or promote?
Episode 47 - Documentary Film Maker and Podcast Cohost Emeritus Brian Dobbs
Home Theater United
Episode 47
December 21, 2023, 2023 6:00 PM EST
Re-Introducing Brian Dobbs, founding cohost and cohost emeritus of Home Theater United and new Documentarian with his film Blue Planet Red -
Intro by Sam: Welcome back Brian! You have been busy moving cross country and back and now have your first film under your belt! Blue Planet Red is on sites like Vimeo and purchaseable as an honest to goodness self authored Blu-Ray. Tell us as much as you can without spoiling Blue Planet Red
What the heck sent you down this path?
How has the initial reaction been? How hard has it been to build an audience? Sam Loves it!
Tell us about working with Swarm
You had a model shoot in the desert for the film, with amazing drone photography. Uh, whaaaat?
The scientists are real characters. Were you expecting that?
Are you going to film festivals? Trying to get it on Netflix or other streaming services in the future?
What was your production like? Did you do everything yourself? Tell us about the tech specs of the bluray
How can our viewers watch it?
What’s next for you?
Anything else you would like to talk about or promote?
Quick Good Bad and Ugly
Background info:
Two-Page Summary
Quick Good Bad and Ugly:
Sam - Barbie
Brian - The Eternals
Episode46- Hidden Gems
What movies do you consider to be Hidden Gems? Join host Sam Posten and guests Todd Erwin, John Rice and Josh Steinberg as they highlight 3 movies each which they feel deserve wider exposure and acclaim than what they got theatrically or on home video.
The mist
Inside man
Solo: A Star Wars Story
Ghostbusters: Answer the Call
Grand Canyon
A Monster Calls
Paper Towns
Never Let Me Go
Plus we play a new game: "Know what's mad? That I have never seen THIS movie" and a whole new (not really!) Good Bad and Ugly!
Episode 45 - Black Friday 2023 with Todd Erwin
The show returns after a 6 month break! We are BACK, baby!
Todd Erwin joins us once again to talk about his picks for best Black Friday and Cyber Monday deals, focusing on TVs and other Home Theater gear.
Plus Todd announces the launch of his own new show, coming soon on Youtube!
ANDDDDDD we will have cohost emeritus Brian Dobbs back soon to talk about his new feature length documentary, Red Planet Blue!
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Om Home Theater United Podcast
The official podcast of the Home Theater Forum, hosted by Brian Dobbs and Sam Posten.