The non-partisan podcast that equips and inspires young women in international affairs through honest conversations with accomplished female leaders within the ...
S2 E4: Molly Rossi: The Power of Strategic Communication in International Development Priorities
Molly Rossi is currently working as the Congressional Relations Lead at the IMF. However, she spent the bulk of her career at USAID in a variety of strategic communication roles ranging from the COVID-19 Task Force, to an assignment at the Regional Mission for Central Asia. She shares reflections from her time helping with Afghan refugee resettlement, and from her experience on an assignment in Almaty, Kazakhstan.
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S2 E3: Smita Baruah: International Development Advocacy and the Impact of Coalition Building
Smita Baruah has over 20 years of priceless experience in international development advocacy and global health, and she currently serves as Executive Vice President for Global Tobacco Control Programs, at the Campaign for Tobacco Free Kids. Smita was a part of advocacy efforts for the reauthorization of PEPFAR, sharing insights from her time building coalitions around this issue.
Podcast participants views and opinions do not reflect those of the podcast participant's employers.
S2 E2: Ona Spreenberg: The Multifaceted Relationship between Tech and Foreign Policy
Ona Spreenberg is currently a John S. McCain Strategic Defense Fellow at the Department of Defense, and has obtained a wide variety of experience in technology policy and regional studies. She spurs an interesting conversation on the many ways the government and technology interact, and the power of bringing diverse voices into the spotlight.
The views and opinions of participants on this podcast do not state of reflect those of the United States Government. Podcast participants views and opinions do not reflect those of the podcast participant's employers.
S2 E1: Samantha Karlin: The Power of Diverse Voices in International Affairs
Samantha Karlin has made a successful career as a leadership development expert, speaker, and trainer on a mission to activate change makers and create environments where people and organizations flourish. She is the founder and CEO of Empower Global, and the designer of the Women's Leadership Challenge. Samantha tells listeners about her non-traditional path to international affairs, and highlights the unique and special qualities women bring to leadership.
Learn more about the Women's Leadership Challenge here.
Podcast participants views and opinions do not reflect those of the podcast participant's employers.
S1 E13: Isabelle Iguchi: An Early Career in International Development
Isabelle Iguchi is currently the Special Assistant to the Assistant Administrator of USAID’s Bureau for Europe and Eurasia. Prior to her role, she graduated from American University, with a BA in International Studies. Isabelle discusses the importance of building professional relationships, some college courses that helped shape her career, and how she's developed her personal style at work.
The views and opinions of participants on this podcast do not state of reflect those of the United States Government. Podcast participants views and opinions do not reflect those of the podcast participant's employers.
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Om High-Heeled Diplomacy
The non-partisan podcast that equips and inspires young women in international affairs through honest conversations with accomplished female leaders within the field.