This podcast is all about heat pumps - from what they are and how they work to the cost benefits and energy savings of installing one. Heat pumps are the world'...
In this episode we cover six common myths about heat pumps:
Myth 1: Heat pumps don’t work in cold weather
Myth 2: Heat pumps are very noisy
Myth 3: Heat pumps only provide heat
Myth 4: They need more maintenance
Myth 5: They only work in well-insulated homes
Myth 6: They’re not environmentally friendly
Thank you for listening!
Please reach out to us with your heat pump questions by emailing us at: [email protected]
Pros and Cons of Heat Pump Water Heaters | Ep 5
Heat pump water heaters are the most efficient way to heat water by a large margin.
They have several other benefits but also some downsides you should be aware of before installing one. In this episode we cover 9 pros and 9 cons of heat pump water heaters.
Pros and Cons of Heat Pumps | Ep 4
In this episode we discuss the pros and cons of using a heat pump for heating and cooling your home. We go over 9 total pros and 9 cons:
1. Greater energy efficiency
2. Utility bill savings
3. Space savings - heating and cooling in one unit
4. Safer - no open flame
5. Eco-friendly - no fossil fuels
6. Dehumidification and comfort
7. Improved air quality
8. Tax credits
9. No ducting required
1. More expensive to install
2. Reduced efficiency in cold weather
3. Longer recovery time
4. Greater electrical requirements
5. Can be noisy
6. Electricity can be expensive
7. Colder air outlet temperature
8. May require insulation upgrades
9. Trickier to get right
Thank you for listening to this episode! Please reach out to us with your heat pump questions by sending us an email at [email protected]
COP, SCOP, and HSPF - What Do They Actually Mean? | Ep 3
In this episode we define and discuss the following terms:
1. COP (coefficient of performance)
2. SCOP (seasonal coefficient of performance)
3. HSPF (heating seasonal performance factor)
If you have any questions about this episode or about heat pumps in general, please email us at [email protected]
We will do our best to answer your questions and/or connect you to a reputable contractor who can help.
References used for this episode:
Mitsubishi mini split spec sheet:
Air Source Heat Pumps vs. Ground Source (Geothermal) Heat Pumps | Ep 2
In this episode we compare air source and ground source (also called geothermal) heat pumps.
In summary, ground source heat pumps have a higher upfront cost and require digging a trench but are more energy efficient and have a longer lifespan.
Air source heat pumps are cheaper to install and take up less space, however they don't last as long and their efficiency is lower and more dependent on the weather.
If you have any questions about heat pumps, please send me an email at [email protected]
I will do my best to answer your heat pump questions and/or connect you to a reputable contractor who can help.
For tax incentive research, I recommend checking out or
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Om Heat Pump Guides
This podcast is all about heat pumps - from what they are and how they work to the cost benefits and energy savings of installing one. Heat pumps are the world's most efficient heating and cooling technology and the clear path to decarbonizing home heating.