The Hallowed Waters Journal Podcast is an intense and passionate journey into the world of fly fishing for all trout species. It is a podcast like no other, fea...
56: Great Lakes Part 2-Rick Kustich 2.0- Chasing Chrome Series
Join me as Rick comes back to further our discussion of the ever evolving Great Lakes steelhead fishery. Rick is one of the founding fathers of the Y2K new school of Great Lakes steelheaders. A fishery that has now encompassed all methods including the ever popular swinging flies’ spey style- don’t miss this one! Embrace-Elevate-Share-Evolve- most importantly be kind and humble. It’s not just about you- it’s all about the fish and the journey. Cheers! Do you enjoy the show? Please take a moment to like and leave a 5 star review on Apple Podcasts and Spotify! It will help take our terrestrial bug crazed crusaded even further around the world!!We would love to hear from you. Drop us a line [email protected] YOU TO HELSLOOT FOR THE USE OF THEIR SONG FOR OUR THEME MUSIC!!!ONE STEP (feat. Jono McCleery) [Monkey Safari Remix] available on all major streaming platformshttps://helsloot.bandcamp.comhallowedwatersjournal.comhallowedwaterspodcast@gmail.comEdited at Jupiter Sound Studio #steelheadreams #steelheadfishing #steelheadflytying #atlanticsalmonflies #pacificsalmonflies #alaskaflyfishing #swingthefly #scandifly #speyfishing
55: Great Lakes Steelhead Part 1-Past and Present- Greg Senyo- Chasing Chrome Series Part 3
It’s been a long journey for Great Lakes Steelhead/ Lake - Run Rainbows since they were introduced from California to the Au Sable Rivet in 1876. Today it has created billions of revenue dollars from passionate chrome chasing steelhead addicts fishing every method and from every part of the globe . My guest: Greg Senyo, is a passionate and highly creative and outspoken author, innovative fly tier and guide who was part of the grassroots pioneers of the modern era of steelhead on the famous “steelhead alley”. He along with Steelhead Dreams author and host Matt Supinski discuss every facet of the chase, and cover it all in this Part 1 of a 2 part episode with Greg. Some serious stuff and opinions in this 3 hour one. Buckle up for the ride! - it gets bumpy, but we always try to spin the truth and reality . Kustich is up next.
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Please take a moment to like and leave a 5 star review on Apple Podcasts and Spotify! It will help take our terrestrial bug crazed crusaded even further around the world!!
We would love to hear from you. Drop us a line at [email protected]
[email protected]
Edited at Jupiter Sound Studio -
Thanks to Michael Lington for the use of his song Show Me
54: Chasing Chrome 2: Jonathan Farmer - Passion of the Fly Tyer, and what triggers Steelhead/ Salmon to take your Flies
This one features author of the new fly tying masterpiece “ Chasing Chrome” by Jonathan Farmer . This part 2 / three hour podcast is devoted to all serious chrome chasing swingers, steelheaders, Atlantic and Pacific salmon / Sea Run Brown anglers and fly tyers getting into the modern era of tying Intruders, hair and feather wings, Akryods, Scandi style Tubes, leeches etc. Plus serious guide talk / observations from the river on how these fish take your flies and their behavior , presentation, color motifs- so much in this podcast - cheers!- Happy New Year
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Please take a moment to like and leave a 5 star review on Apple Podcasts and Spotify! It will help take our terrestrial bug crazed crusaded even further around the world!!
We would love to hear from you. Drop us a line at [email protected]
[email protected]
Edited at Jupiter Sound Studio -
Thanks to Michael Lington for the use of his song Show Me.
#chasingchrome #steelheadreams #steelheadfishing #steelheadflytying #atlanticsalmonflies #pacificsalmonflies #alaskaflyfishing #jonathanfarmer #swingthefly #scandifly #speyfishing
53: Chasing Chrome - Series Guest: Ken Morrish - Spey Tactics for Sea Run Browns in Tierra del Fuego, Steelhead around the Pacific Rim to Great Lakes
Longtime author/ photographer/ fly designer, and avid Spey specialist from Oregon and Fly Water Travel, discusses with host Matthew Supinski the subtle nuances of chasing sea run browns in Tierra del Fuego and Europe, steelhead from South America along with fresh- run King Salmon , then steelhead in California, Oregon, Washington, British Columbia’s Skenna system, and Kamchatka- to the Great Lakes. Some serious discussions on climate change and its effects on migrations, subtle presentation differences, fly patterns and reading water and fish behaviors. If you are a chrome chaser, don’t miss this one!
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Please take a moment to like and leave a 5 star review on Apple Podcasts and Spotify! It will help take our terrestrial bug crazed crusaded even further around the world!!
We would love to hear from you. Drop us a line at [email protected]
[email protected]
Edited at Jupiter Sound Studio -
52: Norway - Giant Salmon and Brown Trout of the Vikings. Guest: Simen Strømhylden - Part 4: Atlantic Salmon on the Run
Norway - the Land of the Midnight Sun, has a breathtaking and unparalleled Nordic magnetism- a raw beauty that no other country on the planet can boast. Its unbelievably stunning fjords, and soaring and austere snow capped mountains, garnish some of the most majestic rivers on earth.These harbor some of the planet’s incredibly large Atlantic salmon to be found- up to 90 pounds have been recorded, along with sea trout, brown trout and mayfly/ stonefly hatches once in the greatest quantities imaginable. But it is in these rivers- the playground of all of Europe, that our beloved salmon could have been loved to death.From the thousands of salmon fish farms feeding the insatiable appetite of the world for Omega -3 ‘s and the health benefits of salmon, have come the spread of disease, and pollution of wild genetics by escaped salmon breeding with wild ones , Add the decades of killing of big brood stock salmon by anglers, and climate change’s ugly head, could our magnificent salmon of the Viking gods met their tragedy- or Viking Ragnarök? With the river closures implemented this summer, more is needed to protect these magnificent beasts from decimation. We raise a skål to you in helping us educate and love these truly magnificent creatures.
Do you enjoy the show?
Please take a moment to like and leave a 5 star review on Apple Podcasts and Spotify! It will help take our terrestrial bug crazed crusaded even further around the world!!
We would love to hear from you. Drop us a line at [email protected]
[email protected]
Edited at Jupiter Sound Studio -
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Om Hallowed Waters
The Hallowed Waters Journal Podcast is an intense and passionate journey into the world of fly fishing for all trout species. It is a podcast like no other, featuring discussions with the masters of fly fishing tactics, reading water, ecology and habitat, presentation and vast new age and old standard fly patterns. With your host Matthew Supinski- world-renowned author, guide, chef/forager and Publisher of Hallowed Waters Journal, we go full bore in-depth fly fishing with added scientific, historical, artistic, even culinary flair to make this one podcast you can't miss!