John and Derek are back to discuss the finale of one of the best shows of 2024 The Penguin episode 8 "A Great Or Little Thing". This is spoiler filled podcast so make sure you've watched the episode before listening along with us.The Penguin Episode 8 "A Great Or Little Thing" SynopsisBased on characters created by Bill Finger and Bob Kane for Detective Comics.Spinning out of Matt Reeves The Batman under showrunner Lauren LeFrancEpisode Written by: Lauren LeFrancEpisode Directed By: Jennifer GetzingerAt the former Monroe Jazz club, Sofia Gigante uses Dr Julian Rush’s experience to take Francis Cobb back to her youth. She recalls meeting with local gangster Rex Callibrasi to discuss her son Oz. She always knew that Oz was the one who killed her other sons Jack and Benny. But despite being given every opportunity Oz never took responsibility for their murders. Rex gives the struggling mother two options. Either nurture Oz’s tendencies, give him purpose, and he could be something great or Rex will help her let him go.Planning to have Rex murder Oz, she takes him out to Monroe’s for one final night. But as Oz promises to take care of her if she’ll give him a chance, Francis calls off the kill. In the present day, Sofia uses this knowledge to encourage Oz to finally admit to murdering his brothers. But, even with the threat of Francis losing a finger, Oz continues his lies. Incensed, Francis disowns him and stabs him with a broken bottle. But Francis has a stroke and falls to the ground. Using this as a distraction, Oz breaks free, killing Sofia’s guards and GCPD Detective Marcus Wise before driving his ma to the hospital. Meanwhile Victor Aguillar fails to convince the leaders of the other gangs of Gotham to help Crown Point following Sofia’s car bomb. Oz Cobb calls him to the hospital where Victor convinces him that he’s important to the city. Oz makes a final play. He meets with Councilman Hady at City Hall telling him the car bomb was just the latest in the tit for tat battle between the Falcone and Maroni family. If the Councilman brings in Sofia Gigante the city will be very grateful. All he wants in return is the ear of the influential people of Gotham.Elsewhere, Sofia has decided to leave everything behind so she offers the gang leaders the Falcone’s home, territories and business to the one who brings her Oz Cobb.The Triad’s second in command, Ling, uses his relationship with Victor to get to Oz. As Sofia is burning her past she arranges for Oz’s transfer at another location. But it’s a trap. Spurred on by Oz and Victor, Ling turns on his boss Mr Zhao, killing him. As Oz captures Sofia and turns her over to the GCPD, the tide of Gotham’s underworld changes. All the bosses are taken out by their disrespected underbosses and followers. Oz takes Victor back to the hospital to celebrate his final success with Francis. But he learns that her stroke has left her immobile and non-verbal. Unable to get the approval he sought from his mother, Victor commiserates with Oz. Realising his closeness with the kid has become truly familial, Oz strangles and kills him. Disposing of his ID in Gotham bay and his last shred of weakness.Sofia is unresponsive as she sits in a cell in Arkham, once again under the care of Dr Julian Rush. He brings her a letter from someone claiming to be her half sister, someone called Selina Kyle.Now the king of Gotham’s underworld, Oz finally sets the vegetative Francis up in a penthouse overlooking the city. As a tear rolls down her face, Oz dances with Eve. She’s dressed as his Ma and tells Oz how proud she is of him. He believes there’s nothing left to stop him as, unseen by Oz, the Bat Signal rises over Gotham.The Iceberg Lounge QuizDuring each podcast we'll ask a question about each episode in our Penguin Iceberg Lounge Quiz. You can send in your answers each week to
[email protected] At the end of the eight episode series the Gothamite with the most correct answers will be in with the chance of getting their hands on some Penguin goodies. All questions will be updated on: https://www.tvpodcastindustries.comQuestion 8: Where does Sophia meet Mr Zhao to exchange Oz Cobb?Join us on TV Podcast IndustriesIf you want to keep up with us and all of our podcasts, please subscribe over at Where we continue to podcast about multiple TV shows we hope you'll love including Marvel's Agatha All Along and Prime Video's Rings of Power.Next time on The Penguin PodcastWe will be back with our wrap up and to announce the winner of our Iceberg Lounge Quiz on our next podcast. Get those answers into us as soon as possible. All questions are available over on our website at then, Keep Watching, Keep Listening and stay safe.Derek and JohnTV Podcast IndustriesAll images and audio clips are copyright of Max, Sky, Warner Horizon Scripted Television and their respective copyright owners.