Join Peter and Frank as they talk about some of the things on Duke's mood board for The Drowned City. When we spoke to Duke last year, he mentioned a range of media and we've jumped in to look at The Call of Cthulhu, The Doom that Came to Sarnath, Arrival, Prometheus, Alien: Covenant, Scavengers Reign and Evil Dead, and talk about them all and how they relate to The Drowned City. BEWARE: spoilers for all within.
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Episode 338: Drowning in Previews
Join Frank and Peter as they take stock of preview season so far. What's catching their eye with The Drowned City? What are the new investigators like? What does the return of myriad augur? NB: this episode was recorded in early January 2025, so we weren't privvy to the full Drowned City set, let alone all the previews at the time of recording.
See all the previews here.
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Episode 337: Grim Resolve
Join Peter and Frank as they look ahead at 2025: what are our Arkham intentions? What do we think The Drowned City will bring to Arkham? And what are our gaming intentions and hopes more generally?
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Episode 336: FHVFHV III
Join Frank as he talks about FHVFHV for the third time - we're talking Wilson's finale, Kate's longest night, a new investigator begins their survey and much, much more. Enjoy!
Here's the FHVFHV sheet: here.
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Episode 335: Think on your Feet XLVIII
Tune in for Think on your Feet XLVII, in which the play through of The Innsmouth Conspiracy, featuring Subject 5U-21, concludes.
In Think on your Feet episodes, a live play series, I endeavour not to edit much at all. Sometimes I cut some shuffling sounds or abbreviate some of my longer pauses (a chap's got to think!), but otherwise, it's uncut, unaltered and meant to feel like you're with me at the table. There may be mistakes and misplays, but hopefully some successes too.
0.00 preamble
1.25 interlude iv
4.25 upgrading deck
5.21 scenario setup
7.35 chaos bag
8.20 act and agenda
10.02 opening hand
10.50 gameplay begins
26.45 act 1 advancement
37.30 agenda 1 advancement
1.09.30 epilogue and campaign wrap-up
Here's the deck: CLICK ME
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Om Drawn To The Flame
Drawn To The Flame is a podcast in which Peter and Frank discuss Arkham Horror: The Card Game, a cooperative living card game of Lovecraftian horror.