Dharma Seed: dharma talks and meditation instruction
Dharma Seed is dedicated to preserving and sharing the spoken teachings of Theravada Buddhism in modern languages. Since the early 1980's, Dharma Seed has colle...
(Insight Meditation Community of Berkeley) This talk is about what the Dalai Lama called our greatest protection: our sincerity of motivation. What is sincerity? How do we know when we are truly sincere? How can we cultivate it?
Bob Stahl: That Which Softens the Hardened Heart
(Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center) A talk on Metta / Lovingkindness and the power of love
Nakawe Cuebas Berrios: Transforming Fear Into Strength
(Cambridge Insight Meditation Center)
Ayya Santacitta: How to Meet These Times?
(Aloka Earth Room) Short Reflection & Guided Meditation | Earthworm Practice for the Anthropocene II | Online Wednesday-Mornings.
Christiane Wolf: How concentration works in a nutshell
(Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center) 15 min talk, then mostly silent meditation
Om Dharma Seed: dharma talks and meditation instruction
Dharma Seed is dedicated to preserving and sharing the spoken teachings of Theravada Buddhism in modern languages. Since the early 1980's, Dharma Seed has collected and distributed dharma talks by teachers offering the vipassana (insight) and metta (lovingkindness) practices of Theravada Buddhism. New recordings are being added continuously from contemporary dharma teachers.