Nick Carter, Master Detective – Disappearing Corpse (ending cut short). ep33, 431124
A dark and stormy night brings the next case for our master detective. The corpse in the stuffy duplex apartment seems a cut and dried case. Locked windows and doors…
The Adventures of Philip Marlowe – The Tale of the Mermaid. ep52, 491001
It’s a story of fast cash, and who may get it by the time the tale is told. A series of catastrophes surround Philip, starting with a car crash near…
Richard Diamond – The Man Who Hated Women. ep13, 490716
As murder hits the street, Richard Diamond sits in his office doing manly detective things… like knitting? Don’t ask, just listen and believe it for yourself. Though he may not…
Rogues Gallery – Suspicious Will. 460131
Trying to pick up a hot dame, Rogue finds that pamela has just received word that her dad has been murdered. More troubles emerge when the judge, who is acting…
The Adventures of Sam Spade – Hot 100 Grand. 480919
A report of a robbery case is where Sam starts, as he dictates his report to his secretary. A wealthy family wants to keep their recent loss private, and out…
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