Four Alexandrian coven leaders from three continents talking about Alexandrian Witchcraft and broader witchcraft topics. New episodes monthly... probably.
In our long-awaited 7th episode of season 3 we address the topic of magical names and personas. Magical names are pervasive in witchcraft communities, and the tradition of taking a new name when embarking on a new practice or new time of life is well known. We discuss why witches sometimes choose new names and how that choice can have an impact on one's craft.
3.06 Self-Actualization and Nature Theology
Episode 6 of season 3 discusses self-actualization in witchcraft. We explore the importance of self-actualization in religious movements and how the “Work” of the craft can be related to this idea. The episode ends with some practices listeners can consider in their own paths to self-actualization.
Her Hidden Children: The Rise of Wicca and Paganism in America (Pagan Studies Series) by Chas S. Clifton
Your Dark Side: How to turn your inner negativity into positive energy: Transform Your Inner Negativity into Positive Energy by Vivianne Crowley and Christopher Crowley
3.05 Getting Back to Basics and Personal Practice
Welcome to episode 5 of season 3! In this episode, we talk about getting back to basics and how to build a personal practice. Is a personal practice necessary if we’re a member of a coven? What if we’re not in a coven - how important is it then? What do we do when we hit a slump, and how can we mitigate getting to that point in the first place?
In this episode, we give advice on what kind of practices a personal practice could include, explore the idea of stagnation within a coven, and mention the word “practice” so many times, that we lost count in the end 😛 So, grab a cuppa, glass, or pitcher, sit back and relax, and enjoy!
3.04 Wiccan Etiquette
In this episode we discuss some Do’s and Don’ts for Seekers and Initiates who are visiting covensteads they are unfamiliar with or open rituals. We also discuss etiquette around expectations and the (now oft repeated) 5Cs of effective communication.
Traditional Wicca: A Seeker’s Guide - Thorn Mooney
3.03 Wicca and Mental Health
(CW: mental illness)
This episode we tackled a much-requested topic: mental health and the craft. How does one manage mental illness and Wicca? How much should a seeker divulge about mental health when approaching a coven? What about priesthood and coven leaders?
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Om Circle Talk 4 Witches
Four Alexandrian coven leaders from three continents talking about Alexandrian Witchcraft and broader witchcraft topics. New episodes monthly... probably.