We are David & Marc. We love to talk about everything related to the digitalisation. On this podcast we do this – with journalists & digital media people from a...
Jan Kuciak (27) and his fiancée Martina Kušnírová (27) were murdered because of Jan's investigative work. We talk about the events and its impacts on Slovak and European journalism.
Condolences: www.allforjan.com
His last piece of work
in Slovakian: www.aktuality.sk/clanok/568007/talianska-mafia-na-slovensku-jej-chapadla-siahaju-aj-do-politiky/
in English: www.politico.eu/article/jan-kuciak-last-story-italian-mafias-tentacles-reach-into-slovak-politics/
in German: www.bild.de/politik/ausland/kuciak-jan/letzter-artikel-kuciak-54960746.bild.html
Online video: How to spark discussion, not hate
Eva Schulz is a journalist, online video show host, presenter and producer.
Currently she is hosting Deutschland3000, a Facebook show by German public broadcasters, that covers politics for a millennial audience.
Prior to that, she co-created Hochkant, a Snapchat news channel for 14- to 19-year-olds.
Eva has started blogging very young and her first foreign language as she puts it was HTML.
We had a very deep dive into online video, platforms and formats.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/evaschulz
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/evaschulz
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/evaschulz
Deutschland 3000: https://www.facebook.com/Deutschland3000/
Photo credit: Alex Janetzko
Data Journalism helps small newsrooms
Bettina Figl is a reporter at Austrian newspaper Wiener Zeitung. But she is also a research fellow at The Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism at the University of Oxford. There she published a paper about data journalism and small newsrooms.
She talks with us at Check Your Facts podcast about how she managed to find her way into Oxford University and what she found out researching several newsrooms. This may help you implementing or strenghten data driven modules in you newsroom as well.
When Bettina is not writing papers on digital journalism or working for Wiener Zeitung she is organising an event in Vienna called „Aufmacher“ („lead story“). She and her colleagues invite journalists to talk — very casually — about their job. The best thing: it is free and open for everyone.
As usual we also talk about the media landscape and current issues in the guest’s homecountry which is Austria this time.
Again, you will find many insights on our guest and her work — and even more.
The 'Trump Bump' (more like 'Zeman Bump') moment in Czech media happening right now
Eva Mošpánová is a journalist for the Czech public radio, she writes for the iRozhlas.cz, which is a fairly newly developed news website of the broadcasting company.
We spoke with Eva, because she knows the Czech media market, she has covered it in the past writing for Marketing & Media magazine and also worked for other different media outlets.
Czech republic has seen many changes in the media landscape in the last few years, when oligarchs and politicians bought up stakes in traditional media and many journalists left them to start independently operated smaller news operations.
Also the fake news problem has been a huge problem as many alternative media emerged and some of them became widely popular.
After the Czech presidential elections a wave emerged, similar to the one in USA in the end of 2017, when people started publicly sharing that they bought a subscription for a newspaper or online website they trust.
We talked about all of this. Listen to our interview.
Twitter: ht
How Pod črto in Slovenia crowdfunded investigative reporting and what’s next
We spoke with Taja Topolovec, the co-founder of Pod črto (in Eng., ‘The Bottom Line’). It is a Slovenian independent and non-profit media outlet focusing on investigative reporting, data journalism and in-depth stories, founded in September 2014.
Their projects include in-depth analysis of the prevalence and reasons for violent crime in Slovenia, uncovering corruption among Slovenia’s mayors and investigating fraud, mismanagement of European funds, illegal gathering of personal information by Slovenian police (last story), environmental issues, systematic analysis of health system and poverty in Slovenia.
Because investigative journalism in Slovenia could be also translated as “researching”, Pod črto journalists were at first perceived as scientists. So first they had to launch a communication campaign explaining what investigative journalism is and what they intend to do.
What did we talk about:
• history of Pod črto and how did their crowdfunding campaign go
• the problem with inv
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Om Check Your Facts
We are David & Marc. We love to talk about everything related to the digitalisation. On this podcast we do this – with journalists & digital media people from all around the world.