English podcast about classic of IT: Amiga computer and her successors. In the 80's and 90's, this platform was one of the most popular. Today Amiga exist and d...
The Special Episode 10 of AMIcast is here. It was a long break in publishing the AMIcast SE, so what happened meanwhile? Together with my co-host Marcin, we analyze what has been interesting so far from AmiWest to the present day. We have updated IBrowse, upcoming new Webkit browser for MorphOS, updates of OWB for AmigaOS, new MorphOS, new Hollywood 8, and Designer 5, new AmiCygnix 1.5. But there is a big lack of A1222 aka Tabor. And there is a king Warp560/1260 accelerator!
AMIcast - Episode 27 - Amiga 34 - Adam Zalepa
Amiga 34 in Germany was the most interesting part of this year. In this episode, the guest is Adam Zalepa. He is best known for publishing books, magazines, and software. Together with my guest Adam Zalepa we talk about hardware news, new software releases and possible future developments of Amiga. In the end, the great song by Moby, from the album: Amiga Days (Remasters) - Volume 3 - Woh Putaing Cong. Links: http://www.amiga34.de https://amiga.net.pl
AMIcast - Special Episode 9 - Amiga in 2018
In the Special Episode 9 of AMIcast, we look at what happened in 2018. Is this year was good for Amiga? Together with Marcin we are talking about news from 2018, parties, and events, announcements and missed opportunities. With English version of eXec.pl - amiganews.eXec.pl we have two summaries of 2018 in text form: - Year 2018 in positive way, - Year 2018 Of The Nothing. Links: https://www.exec.pl/article.jsp?nid=178&Year_2018_in_positive_way https://www.exec.pl/article.jsp?nid=174&2018_-_Editorialiapos;s_Duet:_Year_Of_The_Nothing
AMIcast - Special Episode 8 - amiganews.exec.pl
AMIcast SE 8 is available! After a long time, I'm back. And I'm not alone. :) With a new co-host - Marcin, we have a plan... But first of all. This episode is about new Amiga portal. In Poland, eXec.pl is well known. Now eXec would like to be known worldwide. Please welcome amiganews.exec.pl. Besides that, with a new co-host, we are explaining our plan to the next special episodes of the podcast. Links: amiganews.exec.pl malinowaamiga.wordpress.com www.facebook.com/MalinowaAmiga/ amiga.net.pl/index.php?lng=eng&kwt=10010&tms=128 amiga.net.pl/index.php?lng=eng&kwt=10010&tms=64 amiga.org.pl/sklep/amigaos-na-weekend/
AMIcast - Special Episode 7 - Pixel Heaven 2018
Pixel Heaven is a big, great indie and retro gaming party. In this year it was the 6th edition. Party is always in Warsaw / Poland. Let's have a look at it. Pixel Heaven is a commercial event. It was a great opportunity to promote Amiga NG! And we did it! I was surprised how many people were interested with AmigaOS 4 and MorphOS! It shows that NG movement should be promoted outside typical retro only Amiga parties. Links: https://www.pixelheavenfest.com https://youtu.be/jNA-Sd4NaUA https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=pl&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.amigaone.pl%2F%3Fp%3D2525&edit-text= http://www.amigaone.pl/?p=2525
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Om AMIcast - podcast about Amiga, from A500 to X5000
English podcast about classic of IT: Amiga computer and her successors. In the 80's and 90's, this platform was one of the most popular. Today Amiga exist and develop at own pace. This and related topics will be presented in podcast - AMICast.