What can we do to build a more sustainable world? Each episode features a thought leader discussing an aspect of sustainability - its origin, evolution and rele...
Prof. Tom Gosling, London School of Economics, on Whether Investors Reset, Recalibrate, or Retreat from Net Zero
Will investors reset, recalibrate, or retreat from net zero in 2025? Listen to Jason
Mitchell discuss with Professor Tom Gosling, London School of Economics, about how
to think about the exits among climate initiatives; what the future of net zero
commitments could look like; and why, investors—despite their limitations in
driving climate outcomes—are still able to have a material effect on climate
policy development.
Prof. Andrew King, Boston University, on the Replication Crisis in Sustainable Investing
Is sustainable investing facing its own replication crisis? Listen to Jason Mitchell discuss with Professor Andrew King, Boston University, about what the replication crisis represents for sustainable finance; how to think about the incentive problems impacting academic research; and why academic journals and the academic-practitioner community need to be more open to the replication and challenge of existing studies.
Prof. Stefanie Deluca, Johns Hopkins University, on Neighbourhoods and Child Social Mobility
How do neighbourhoods shape economic opportunities for children? Listen to Jason Mitchell discuss with Professor Stefanie Deluca, Johns Hopkins University, about why neighbourhoods matter for creating social mobility; some of the outcomes and challenges in her recent paper, “Creating Moves to Opportunity”; and what it takes to create more high-opportunity zones, so families don’t have to continually uproot and move.
Professor Stefanie DeLuca is the James Coleman Professor of Sociology and Social Policy at the Johns Hopkins University, director of the Poverty and Inequality Research Lab, and Research Principal at Opportunity Insights at Harvard University. She is one of the foremost qualitative mixed methods researchers on housing and higher education policy. Professor DeLuca co-authored Coming of Age in the Other America, which was named an Outstanding Academic Title from the American Library Association, and won the William F. Goode Award from the American Sociological Association. Stefanie has also been awarded a National Academy of Education/Spencer Foundation Fellowship and a William T. Grant Foundation Scholars Award. She serves on a Federal Research Advisory Commission at the Department of Housing and Urban Development, and was named Scholar of the Year by the National Alliance of Resident Services in Assisted and Affordable Housing.
Paul Bodnar, Bezos Earth Fund, on Climate, Nature, and Catalytic Capital
What’s at stake for climate and nature in the current political
environment? Listen to Jason Mitchell discuss with Paul Bodnar, Bezos Earth
Fund, about the vital role of philanthropic capital; the mission of the Bezos
Earth Fund; and how its thinks about funding efforts across mitigation and
adaptation as well as the Global North and Global South.
Note: This episode was recorded prior to the recent US election.
Paul Bodnar is the Director of Sustainable Finance, Industry, and Diplomacy at the Bezos Earth Fund. He most recently served as Global Head of Sustainable Investing at BlackRock, where he helped build the firm's $500 billion sustainable funds business. Prior to Blackrock, Paul was Chief Strategy Officer and Executive Council member at RMI (formerly Rocky Mountain Institute), where he founded the Center for Climate-Aligned Finance. Paul served in the Obama White House as Special Assistant to the President and Senior Director for Energy and Climate Change at the National Security Council. Prior to that, Paul served at the State Department as US lead negotiator for climate finance.
NOAA Chief Scientist Dr. Sarah Kapnick on Pricing Climate Disaster Risk
What grade does the finance industry deserve in terms of pricing climate risk? Listen to Jason Mitchell discuss with National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Chief Scientist Dr. Sarah Kapnick, about the scope of NOAA’s mission; NOAA’s billion-dollar Weather and Climate Disasters dataset and what it means for weather attribution; and why NOAA itself represents a remarkable value to the US people as an argument against dismantling or privatising it.
Dr. Sarah Kapnick is Chief Scientist at NOAA, which plays a critical role in understanding and predicting changes in climate, weather, oceans, and coasts. Bringing a unique mix of science and finance to NOAA, Dr. Kapnick's background includes serving as a senior climate scientist at JP Morgan Chase, a leadership role at NOAA's Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory, and an early career in investment banking.
Note: This episode was recorded prior to Dr. Kapnick’s departure from NOAA.
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Om A Sustainable Future
What can we do to build a more sustainable world? Each episode features a thought leader discussing an aspect of sustainability - its origin, evolution and relevance today - with Jason Mitchell, Co-Head of Responsible Investment at Man Group.